Thursday, April 11, 2013

Black Bean Burgers (Easy and cheap)

Easiest Black Bean Burger Recipe

From :  "Everything Vegan Cookbook"

It's finally warm outside, and that always makes me want hamburgers or something on the grill!  This is the best recipe I have found for veggie burgers, we do buy the frozen ones occasionally, but they are tough and flavorless compared to this black bean burger.  Plus, they often have egg whites in them.   I really, really wish my kids would try beans, but for now they will not, so they had a separate dinner tonight.

1 15-oz can black beans, drained *
3 T. minced onion
1 t. salt
1 1/2 t. garlic powder
2 t. parsley
I t. chili powder
2/3 cup flour (I use whole wheat)
Oil for pan frying

1.  Process the black beans in a blender or food processor until halfway mashed, or mash with a fork.
2.  Add minced onions, salt, garlic powder, parsley, and chili powder and mash to combine.
3.  Add flour, a bit at a time, again mashing together to combine.  You may need a little bit more or less than 2/3 cup.  Beans should stick together completely.
4.  Form into patties and pan fry in a bit of oil for 2-3 minutes on each side.  Patties will appear to be done on the outside while still a bit mushy on the inside, so fry them a few minutes longer than you think they need.

Makes 4-6 burgers, depending on size

*I try to buy organic black beans if they are on sale (usually $1/can).  Almost all cans have BPA in their lining, Kroger did state in 2011 that they were switching to BPA free cans, but I haven't heard anything else about it.  At the natural food stores they probably sell Eden's beans which are BPA free but a lot more expensive.

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